Pride Flags


Catastrfy/Starfire Studio


Click on the name or thumbnail to go to the full size image.

March 2022: #OFMD Cat flags for #TDOV! (The cat image is from a screencap and not mine.)

Trans Cat flag

Nonbinary Cat flag

Nonbinary Trans Cat flag

All of my own flag designs are neither Trademarkable nor Copyrightable;
they were released into the Public Domain by me,
the creator, between 2014 and 2020.
IOW, you may use them but not claim copyright on them.
Credit is always appreciated but not required.

November 2020: The Ineffables, both colours only and colours with words!
Ineffable Pride

Ineffable Pride (words)

October 2020: Dyke Pride Flag

There are all sorts of Dykes, of course, but the ones I've crushed on
and loved have been the black leather, blue jeans, white tshirts, silver
keyrings, and gold jewelry type. The first four inspired the two top and
two bottom stripes, while the narrow band of gold reminds me of a gold ring.

UPDATE: Discontinued Flags

I've created quite a few flags over the years that were derived from the
Lipstick Lesbian flag without knowing about the creator's history of racism,
biphobia, transphobia, and dislike of butches, nor that she copied Fausto
Fernós' 2008 Cougar pride flag down to using the same lipstick kiss graphic,
with no credit to him.

Now that I know, I cannot in conscience continue selling buttons using
those flags. The discontinued flags include the Butch flag, Butch/Femme
flag (both 7 & 5 stripe versions), Violet Lesbian flag, Trans Lesbian,
Nonbinary Lesbian, Ace Lesbian, and the mspec flags using any of
the above.

I've removed the large images here, but am leaving the thumbnails and
this update for transparency.

And I urge anyone who prefers a Lesbian specific flag rather than
sharing the rainbow flag to check out Lydia's
lovely 2018 flag
. Lydia is a biracial lesbian from Mi'kma'ki who wanted
an inclusive Lesbian flag without the history of the Lipstick flag. She
based the colours on a poem by Sappho of Lesbos and made them
intentionally web and print friendly!

I think it's absolutely lovely!

On to the no longer active flags:
Butch Pride Flag, 2014

One of my Butch friends wanted a Butch flag with khaki tones to go
with the Lipstick Lesbian one, so I made this for her.

Butch/Femme Pride Flag, 2016

For this flag I used a combo of brighter, more saturated tones from
the Lipstick Lesbian flag and my Butch Pride flag.

August 2020: 5 stripe Butch/Femme flag

Violet Lesbian Pride Flag, 2016

For this flag I inverted my Butch/Femme Pride Flag, kept the pink tones,
removed the orange tones, duplicated the layer and mirrored it, then
adjusted the bottom pink tones to coordinating purple/violet tones.

Trans Lesbian Pride Flag, 2018

I started with an inverted copy of my Butch/Femme Pride Flag and overlaid
Trans Pride flag at varying opacities, picking colours from the result.

Nonbinary Lesbian Pride Flag

Ace Lesbian Pride Flag 2020

For this flag, I overlaid my Violet Lesbian Pride Flag and the Ace Pride
Flag at varying opacities and picked the colours from the result.

Bi Lesbian Pride Flag, 2020

For this flag, I overlaid my Butch/Femme Pride Flag and the Bi Flag at
varying opacities and picked the colours from the result.

Pan Lesbian Pride Flag

This page was last updated on Jan 2021