Our House

Our willow by the driveway:

The front door:

Desk, chest, and evidence of knitting:

Yes, the living room is really that pink. I LOVE it!

I needed bookshelves, and we haven't made built-ins yet, so...

They cover up the fireplace, since Paul and I are both allergic to woodsmoke anyway.

The bathroom:

With a lovely handpainted porcelain sink:

The bathroom floor is beautiful sandstone tiles, and the toilet has a wonderful wood seat and lid with inlay work.

The front bedroom will be Paul's office once the back bedroom is finished; he picked the blue. The floor is Bloodwood. Very pretty!

From the living room you go through a wonderful wrought iron gate and down 3 steps to the family room:

You can just barely make out the french doors down the steps.

View from out the french doors to the studio:

Another gate leads from the family room to the kitchen.

This is my old maple table; it looks perfect in the kitchen:

The original stove was propane, and I had a terrible reaction to it, so we got a wonderful electric stove that I adore:

And that's our house! well, there's also the dining room and utility room, but I don't have any pics yet. Oh, and here is a map of the house and the yard just around it. It's big, though, so it gets it's own page. *g*

Home again

You can email me using chris at this domain

All original content (including but not limited to artwork and photographs) on this website are copyright C. Starfire 1996-2018